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Broken Brackets Don’t Know it’s a Holiday Break

December 16th, 2022

Warning! All parents, you are now officially entering the “School Break Zone.” This time of year, of course, brings family gatherings, parties, and treats! It’s hard to turn away from the ooey-gooey treats which is why your Orthodontist wants you to be prepared if an orthodontic emergency happens in your house.

Most importantly, your orthodontist would like you to understand that accidents can happen during orthodontic treatment. When they do happen, it can result in a call or unplanned visit to your orthodontist – this is what you would consider an “emergency visit.”

Many times, your first reaction may be, “it’s not a big deal,” or “I’ll just wait until after the holidays to call.”  Your Orthodontist would like to remind you to make the call–don’t wait. Your orthodontist is your partner in creating a HEALTHY smile. If there is an urgent need during this time–for example if you are in pain, or an injury has occurred–your orthodontist should be notified and you should call for an emergency appointment.

In the meantime, stock up with supplies to help discomfort. Essential items to keep in your medicine cabinet are:

  • Orthodontic wax
  • Dental floss
  • Tweezers
  • Interproximal brushes
  • Topical anesthetic (such as Orabase or Ora-Gel)
  • Over the counter pain relievers (such as one taken for a headache)

Plus, a warm salt water rinse can be soothing, as well. The recommended mixture is 1 tsp. salt to 8 oz. warm water.

Ultimately, an important part of successful orthodontic treatment is communicating with your orthodontist. If an emergency arises, it’s okay. Don’t panic. This hiccup shouldn’t have much of an impact on your overall treatment plan. Given the situation, your AAO orthodontist will work hard to get you back on your treatment plan. Don’t forget, you play an essential role in your treatment. All you have to do is follow your orthodontist’s directions. With holiday fun on the horizon, now is the time to have a plan in place in case you eat too many ooey-gooey treats.

Please do not hesitate to contact our office if you have a dental emergency. Enjoy the holidays.

When Should Your Child See an Orthodontist?

November 10th, 2022

Orthodontic problems rarely fix themselves. That’s why the American Association of Orthodontists recommends that all children be screened by an AAO orthodontist at age 7.

By age 7, your child has enough permanent teeth that an orthodontist can spot a problem before it becomes … well, a bigger problem.

Some issues may be obvious – misaligned teeth, an “overbite,” and an underbite or a crossbite – but others can remain undetectable by the untrained eye. Either way, let an orthodontist take a look. In addition to an intraoral exam, orthodontists use panoramic x-rays to check below the surface to look for extra teeth, missing teeth, impacted teeth or teeth coming into the wrong positions.

Early treatment, which occurs while some baby teeth are still present, can guide the growth of facial and jaw bones into a better growth pattern and provide more space for incoming permanent teeth.

Problems that may lend themselves well to early treatment include:

  • Underbites – when the lower front teeth are ahead of the upper front teeth
  • Crossbites – when the upper teeth are inside of the lowers
  • Functional shift – when the jaw shifts to one side as the teeth come together
  • Very crowded teeth
  • Excessively spaced teeth
  • Extra or missing teeth
  • Teeth that meet abnormally or don’t meet at all
  • Thumb-, finger- or pacifier- sucking that is affecting the teeth or jaw growth

You don’t need to wait for a dentist referral for your child to see an AAO orthodontist. General dentists and orthodontists focus on different aspects of dental health. Orthodontists are specialists in facial development and the bite.



Top 7 Major Misconceptions Of Orthodontics

September 30th, 2022

There are many myths about orthodontics and braces. This blog post will help you to understand the major misconceptions that most people seem to have regarding this very important health care service.

1. My child has to wait until all his adult teeth are in place before he can get braces. 

This is a common statement I hear every day from parents and patients. The truth is that you should have an orthodontic evaluation on or before age 7, as suggested by the American Association of Orthodontists because some orthodontic problems show up early and are best treated early while the jaws are still growing and the adult teeth have not fully erupted into place. The types of problems best treated early are persistent thumb or finger sucking, severe crowding, narrow jaws, chronic mouth breathing, under bite problems (lower jaw in front of upper jaw), baby teeth falling out too early and severe overbite problems (upper teeth overlap lower teeth).

2. My child’s teeth are so crowded, I just know she/he will need teeth pulled. I had the same problem at her age and had 8 teeth removed.

Depending on the severity and the age of your child, most children today with severe crowding can be treated without any extractions of adult teeth. Advances in treatment options allow for non-extraction orthodontics and future facial negative consequences.

3. Braces are just for kids, I have bad teeth and probably my teeth are not going to move.

Adults orthontic treatment is growing at an exponential rate. My office is compromised of 50% adults and 50% kids and teens. With appliances like Acceledent, that speed up adult tooth movement and Invisalign(clear aligners) to move adult teeth, there are no limitations for adults getting a straight beautiful smile.

4. I understand that braces are usually worn for 2 to 3 years, its too time.

Most orthodontic treatments today range from 6 to 24 months. Sometimes longer treatment times are due to poor compliance, missed appointments, teeth not erupting as quickly as predicted or an extremely difficult case. The technology that is built into the braces today allows for more efficient tooth movement in less time and with virtually no discomfort!

5. I had braces as a teenager and now my teeth have shifted.

Most adults who seek retreatment will comment that their teeth shifted around the age of 20-25, as people stop wearing retainers in college or shortly after their braces come off, hence the reason for the shifting. Retainers are for life and are required to keep your teeth straight. They are prescribed night time life wear.

6. Braces are expensive and I will need to take a second mortgage on my home to pay for them.

The truth is that braces are really the best bargain in health care today. Orthodontic treatment time ranges from 12-24 months and the approximate cost is $6900-8900. If you have had a crown placed on your tooth recently or an implant for a missing tooth you probably paid $1500-4500 for one tooth. Orthodontics is working on all your teeth and providing you with a beautiful smile and health teeth for lifetime. To make braces even more affordable, most offices will set you up with an interest free payment plan for the length of your treatment. Braces are truly an investment in you or your child’s future and affordable too!

7. My Family Dentist does braces too along with cleanings, crowns and fillings. Having my family treated here is the same as going to an Orthodontist and probably less expensive too!

The truth is that a Family or General Dentist does not have the specialized training in orthodontics that an Orthodontist has. An Orthodontist is first a General Dentist who goes back to school for an additional 2 to 3 years to specialize in Orthodontics only, a total of 11 years after high school. What I ask my patients is, “For a mole on your nose would you go to your trusted family doctor or a plastic surgeon?” I am sure the answer is simple.


3 Tips for Healthy Summer Smiles :)

August 19th, 2022



Summer sun brings summer fun. While warm months are perfect for spending time together, summer vacation can also throw off your usual dental routine. Here are three ways to prevent summertime tooth decay
